Sabtu, 14 September 2013

Low Birth Weight

DefinitionLow birth weight ( LBW ) is a new baby born weighing at birth less than 2500 g or lower ( WHO , 1961) .In this case can be divided into :

pure prematurity
Ie bayipada pregnancy < > corresponding weight .
Intra- uterine fetal growth retardation ( IUGR )
That babies born with low weight and not according to gestational age .etiologyCause of preterm birth is unknown , but there are several related factors , namely :

maternal factors
Nutrition during pregnancy is lacking , age less than 20 years or 35 years diaatas
Pregnancy and birth spacing is too close , the work is too heavy
Maternal chronic diseases : hypertension , heart disease , vascular disorders , smokers
pregnancy factor
Pregnant with hydramnios , multiple pregnancy , antepartum haemorrhage
Complications of pregnancy : preeclampsia / eclampsia , premature rupture of membranes
fetal factors
Congenital defects , infection in utero
Factor is still unknowncomplication

Meconium aspiration syndrome , neonatal asphyxia , respiratory distress syndrome , hyaline membrane disease
Dismatur gestasinya preterm especially when times are less than 35 weeks
Hyperbilirubinemia , patent ductus arteriosus , ventricular brain hemorrhage
Hypothermia , Hypoglycemia , Hypocalcemia , Anemia , blood clotting disorders
Infection , Retrolental fibroplasia , necrotizing enterocolitis ( NEC )
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia , malformations konginetalmanagement

Adequate resuscitation , temperature regulation , oxygen therapy
Supervision of the PDA ( Patent ductus arteriosus )
Fluid and electrolyte balance , adequate nutrition
Management of hyperbilirubinemia , infection treatment with appropriate antibiotics .Nursing Diagnosis Appears

Ineffective breathing pattern b / d inadequate lung expansion
Disruption of gas exchange b / d lack of alveolar ventilation secondary to surfactant deficiency
High risk of impaired balance of fluid and electrolyte balance b / d inability of the kidneys to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
Changes in nutrition less than body requirements related to inadequate supplies of iron , calcium , high metabolism and intake is inadequate .
interventionNursing Diagnosis 1 :Ineffective breathing pattern b / d inadequate lung expansiongoals :Effective breathing patternsCriteria results :

Decreased oxygen demand
Spontaneous breath , adequate
Not claustrophobic .
There is no retractionintervention

Give your head a little extension
Give oxygen by appropriate method
Observation rhythm , depth and frequency of breathing
Nursing Diagnosis 2 :Disruption of gas exchange b / d lack of alveolar ventilation secondary to surfactant deficiencygoals :Adequate gas exchangecriteria :

No cyanosis .
Normal blood gas analysis
Normal oxygen saturation .intervention :

Perform suction mucus if necessary
Give oxygen by appropriate method
Observation of skin color
Measure oxygen saturation
Observation signs of worsening respiratory
Report a doctor if there are signs of worsening respiratory
Collaboration in the examination of blood gas analysis
Collaboration in the examination surfactant
Nursing Diagnosis 3 :High risk of impaired balance of fluid and electrolyte balance b / d inability of the kidneys to maintain fluid and electrolyte balancegoals :good hydrationcriteria :

Elastic skin turgor
There is no edema
Production of urine 1-2 cc / kg / hour
Blood electrolytes within normal limitsintervention :

Observation of skin turgor .
Record intake and output
Collaboration in the provision of intravenous fluids and electrolytes
Collaboration in the examination of blood electrolytes .
Nursing Diagnosis 4 :Changes in nutrition less than body requirements related to inadequate supplies of iron , calcium , high metabolism and intake is inadequategoals :adequate nutritioncriteria :

Weight gain of 10-30 g / day
There is no edema
Protein and albumin blood within normal limitsintervention :

Give ASI / PASI with appropriate methods
Observation and record tolerance drink
Weigh weight every day
Record intake and output
Collaboration in the provision of total parenteral nutrition if necessary .

1 komentar:

  1. good definition. low birth weight does not exclude being overweight later in life.
